Library Rules

General Rules

  • Every Student entering the Library Premises should have a valid college identity card.
  • While sitting in reading section every student must sign attendance register.
  • Eatables, Audio-Visual device, Mobile phones, and other equipment & their use is strictly prohibited. 
  • Library card is non-transferable and must be produced whenever demanded.
  • Students must handle books, periodicals, etc. with great care, any attempt to damage books or Periodicals, by defacing or tearing the pages will treated as serious misconduct and strictly dealt with.
  • If the Library Card is lost a duplicate will be issued on payment of Rs.200/- .
  • A complete silence and strict discipline should be maintained in the library and Reading room.
  • If a student so found without the Identity Card, no library facility for that day will be available to him/her.
  • If any reference is required, student should approach the Librarian. Every student is expected to read and strictly follow the instructions given on the reverse side of the Reader’s Ticket.
  • Students are responsible for the books borrowed.
  • Only one book will be given against the library card at a time
  • In case of late return of books students will have to pay fine at the rate of Rs.2/- per day.
  • While charging the fine holidays will be counted.
  • Re-issue of the books will depend upon the demand for the same.
  • All cases of disregard of these rules will be reported to higher authority for appropriate action.

e-Library Rules

  • e-Library services were available before and after college hours.
  • Student can access e-Library for half an hour at each seating.
  •  Each student must sign e-Library register properly.
  • Downloading of any software from internet is strictly prohibited.  
  • Handle the Computer & Component in e-Library carefully and gently.